Butyrumichthys henricii gen. et sp. nov. a new stromateiform fish from the lower Eocene Fur Formation, Denmark

Ane Elise Schrøder*, Jan Audun Rasmussen, Peter Rask Møller, Giorgio Carnevale

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A new genus and species of stromateiform fish, Butyrumichthys henricii gen. et sp. nov., from the Eocene Fur Formation of Denmark is described. The description is based on six well-preserved, almost complete articulated skeletons plus a well-preserved head. All the specimens originate from the carbonate concretion horizons of the Fur Formation. The fossils were investigated also through element-mapping of strontium and phosphorus using a micro-XRF spectrometer in order to expose and enhance the skeletal anatomy. Butyrumichthys gen. nov. exhibits a unique combination of characters that support its recognition as a new stromateoiform genus, including jaws with uniserially arranged, small conical teeth, preopercle with at least 15 prominent spines, 37–38 (17–18 + 20) vertebrae, dorsal fin with 5–6 weak spines and 27–28 soft rays, and anal fin with two spines and 19–20 soft rays. The new fossil stromateoid described herein shows several morphological similarities to certain species of the genus Schedophilus Cocco, 1839, especially S. pemarco (Poll, 1959) and S. medusophagus (Cocco, 1839), and is tentatively referred to the family Centrolophidae. The exceptionally preserved fossil fishes of the Fur Formation increase our knowledge of the diversity of Paleogene marine teleosts, also providing some of the earliest occurrences of modern lineages based on articulated skeletal remains, including that of the stromateiforms.

Original languageEnglish
Article numbere2171798
JournalJournal of Vertebrate Paleontology
Issue number3
Number of pages17
Publication statusPublished - 2023

Bibliographical note

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© 2023, by the Society of Vertebrate Paleontology.

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