Identifying a compound modifying a cellular response, comprises attaching cells having a reporter system onto solid supports, releasing a library member, screening and identifying target cells

G. Hagel (Inventor), Ole Thastrup (Inventor), Morten Peter Meldal (Inventor), J.C. Norrild (Inventor), M. Hentzer (Inventor), J. Norrild (Inventor), Frederik Diness (Inventor)

Research output: Patent


The present invention relates to methods for identifying compounds capable of modulating a cellular response. The methods involve attaching living cells to solid supports comprising a library of test compounds. Test compounds modulating a cellular response, for example via a cell surface molecule may be identified by selecting solid supports comprising cells, wherein the cellular response of interest has been modulated. The cellular response may for example be changes in signal transduction pathways modulated by a cell surface molecule.

Original languageEnglish
IPCG01N 35/ 00 A N
Patent numberUS2011319274
Priority date25/05/2005
Priority numberWO2005DK00348
Publication statusPublished - 29 Dec 2011

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