Influence of SNPs in nutrient-sensitive candidate genes and gene-diet interactions on blood lipids: the DiOGenes study

Lena Kirchner Brahe, Lars Angquist, Lesli Hingstrup Larsen, Karani S Vimaleswaran, Jörg Hager, Nathalie Viguerie, Ruth J F Loos, Teodora Handjieva-Darlenska, Susan A Jebb, Petr Hlavaty, Thomas Meinert Larsen, J Alfredo Martinez, Angeliki Papadaki, Andreas F H Pfeiffer, Marleen A van Baak, Thorkild I A Sørensen, Claus Holst, Dominique Langin, Arne Astrup, Wim H M Saris

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Blood lipid response to a given dietary intervention could be determined by the effect of diet, gene variants or gene-diet interactions. The objective of the present study was to investigate whether variants in presumed nutrient-sensitive genes involved in lipid metabolism modified lipid profile after weight loss and in response to a given diet, among overweight European adults participating in the Diet Obesity and Genes study. By multiple linear regressions, 240 SNPs in twenty-four candidate genes were investigated for SNP main and SNP-diet interaction effects on total cholesterol, LDL-cholesterol, HDL-cholesterol and TAG after an 8-week low-energy diet (only main effect), and a 6-month ad libitum weight maintenance diet, with different contents of dietary protein or glycaemic index. After adjusting for multiple testing, a SNP-dietary protein interaction effect on TAG was identified for lipin 1 (LPIN1) rs4315495, with a decrease in TAG of - 0·26 mmol/l per A-allele/protein unit (95 % CI - 0·38, - 0·14, P= 0·000043). In conclusion, we investigated SNP-diet interactions for blood lipid profiles for 240 SNPs in twenty-four candidate genes, selected for their involvement in lipid metabolism pathways, and identified one significant interaction between LPIN1 rs4315495 and dietary protein for TAG concentration.
Original languageEnglish
JournalBritish Journal of Nutrition
Issue number5
Pages (from-to)790-796
Number of pages7
Publication statusPublished - 2013

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