Inhomogeneous phase-type distributions and heavy tails

Hansjoerg Albrecher, Mogens Bladt

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We extend the construction principle of phase-type (PH) distributions to allow for inhomogeneous transition rates and show that this naturally leads to direct probabilistic descriptions of certain transformations of PH distributions. In particular, the resulting matrix distributions enable the carrying over of fitting properties of PH distributions to distributions with heavy tails, providing a general modelling framework for heavy-tail phenomena. We also illustrate the versatility and parsimony of the proposed approach in modelling a real-world heavy-tailed fire insurance datase
Original languageEnglish
JournalJournal of Applied Probability
Issue number4
Pages (from-to)1044-1064
Publication statusPublished - 2019


  • Inhomogeneous phase-type
  • heavy tail
  • product integral
  • matrix Pareto distribution
  • matrix Weibull distribution

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