Bạo lực đối với thai phụ: Mức độ ảnh hưởng đến sức khỏe tự khai báo và hành vi tìm kiếm hỗ trợ của họ tại huyện Đông Anh, Hà Nội

Thanh Nguyen Hoang, Toan Ngo Van, Dang Vung Nguyen, Thi Thuy Hanh Nguyen, Tho Nhi Tran, Tine Gammeltoft, Dan Wolf Meyrowitsch, Vibeke Rasch

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Intimate partner violence (IPV) against women is a global public health problem. The purposes of this study were describing the association between IPV during pregnancy and women's health and describing the coping of women exposing to IPV. This study was cross sectional study design; it was cross crosssectional study with 1309 pregnant in Dong Anh district. The prevalence of IPV during pregnancy was 35.2%. IPV affected to pregnant's women health (physical health: 31.7% and mental health: 69%). Pregnant women were usually not disclosing with IPV (43.6%). Family of birth was the most sharing of pregnant women with IPV and they were also the most people who helped women. The national Program agaist violence in Vietnam should be more attention to family of birth to protect women agaist violence.
Translated title of the contributionIntimate partner violence against pregnant women: Impact on maternal health and women’s help seeking in Dong Anh district, Hanoi
Original languageVietnamese
JournalTap Chi Y Hoc Thuc Hanh
Issue number116
Pages (from-to)116-118
Publication statusPublished - 2016


  • Faculty of Social Sciences

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