Intravenous loss of over-the-wire catheter guidewires in 13 horses

Kallie J. Hobbs*, Kimberly A.S. Young, Sara Nannarone, Daniela Luethy, Charlotte Hopster-Iversen, Harold C. McKenzie, Elsa K. Ludwig

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Background: Over-the-wire (OTW) catheter placement is performed frequently in horses. Intravascular loss of a guidewire has been anecdotally reported, but there is limited information regarding the treatment and outcome of horses that have experienced this complication of OTW catheter placement. Objectives: Describe the clinical and diagnostic features, treatment, and outcome of horses experiencing IV guidewire loss at the time of OTW catheter placement. Animals: Thirteen horses. Methods: Multicenter retrospective study to identify horses with IV guidewire loss. Horses of all ages were considered for inclusion. Horses were excluded from the study if complete medical records of signalment, indication, and outcome were not available. Intravenous guidewire loss was defined as the guidewire being lost IV at the time of OTW catheter placement. Results: No horses in this study experienced adverse clinical signs associated with the loss of a guidewire. Eight horses had the guidewire removed and the guidewire was left in situ in 5 horses. None of the horses with the guidewire in situ had experienced long-term effects. Conclusions and Clinical Importance: Intravenous guidewire loss seems to have a good long-term prognosis even in horses in which removal of the guidewire was not possible. Thus, in horses where guidewire removal is not feasible, guidewires that remain in situ may have limited to no adverse effects.

Original languageEnglish
JournalJournal of Veterinary Internal Medicine
Issue number1
Pages (from-to)411-416
Number of pages6
Publication statusPublished - 2024

Bibliographical note

Publisher Copyright:
© 2023 The Authors. Journal of Veterinary Internal Medicine published by Wiley Periodicals LLC on behalf of American College of Veterinary Internal Medicine.


  • catheter
  • equine
  • guidewire
  • intravenous

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