Introduction: Bourdieu and International Relations theory

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Why yet another dead French thinker'.' We already have Althusser. Foucault and
Derrida. Docs International Relations (I R) really need Pierre Bourdieu! The short
answer is yes. The slightly longer answer is that Bourdieu's sociology provides us
with an opportunity to rethink international politics in ways not offered by these
other thinkers. Bourdieu helps us rediscover the everyday practices. symbolic
structures and arenas of conflict that bring many other actors into perspective.
rather than just focusing on nation slates that produce (what we call) international politics. All engagement with his work redirects our discipline from being in influenced by overly abstract and simplified reifications of world politics. which is currently the case in both positivist and post-positivist IR schools. Bourdieu allows us to explore how people create international relations in their daily activities. In short. Bourdieu helps us to take the discursive, visual and embodied practices in international politics more seriously.
Original languageEnglish
Title of host publicationBourdieu in International Relations : Rethinking Key Concepts in IR
EditorsRebecca Adler-Nissen
Number of pages23
Place of PublicationAbingdon
Publication date2012
ISBN (Print)9780415528528
ISBN (Electronic)9780203102282
Publication statusPublished - 2012
SeriesNew International Relations


  • Faculty of Social Sciences
  • Bourdieu, Pierre
  • Practice theory
  • International Relations Theory
  • Political sociology
  • Discourse
  • Body
  • power
  • Security
  • Strategy
  • international practice theory
  • Habitus
  • social field
  • Gender
  • Knowledge
  • Sociology

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