Kitchen waste as pig feed sustains transmission of Taenia solium cysticercosis in Mbeya, Tanzania

Uffe Christian Braae, Wendy Harrison, Faustin Lekule, Pascal Magnussen, Maria Vang Johansen

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Attempts to control the neglected tropical disease Taenia solium taeniosis/cysticercosis in low-income countries have been unsuccessful or unsustainable. This could indicate a knowledge gap in our understanding of the transmission dynamics including the importance of environmental contamination with T. solium eggs. We aimed to identify risk factors associated with porcine cysticercosis using a case-control study design, utilising known information on persistent or multiple infections of porcine cysticercosis. Questionnaire interviews and observational surveys were conducted in July 2014 in the two districts Mbeya and Mbozi, Tanzania. Study households were identified based on participation in a previous study investigating porcine cysticercosis prevalence at multiple time points, and allocated into cases or controls based on porcine cysticercosis presence or absence, respectively. This resulted in 43 farmers in the case group and 50 farmers in the control group from 20 villages. Potato peels were said to be given to pigs either raw or boiled by 46% of the farmers. Based on logistic regression porcine cysticercosis could be associated with absence or a completely open latrine (p=0.035, OR 5.98, CI: 1.33- 43.02) compared to an enclosed latrine, and feeding potato peels to pigs (P=0.007, OR 3.45, CI: 1.43-8.79). Logistic analysis including management indicated pigs kept in elevated pens (p=0.049, OR 5.33, CI: 1.08-32.27) and on earthen floors (P=0.041, OR 9.87, CI: 1.29-114.55) compared to cemented floors, were more likely to be infected. Whether potato peels are contaminated with Taenia eggs, or whether the contamination is from the water used, or from dirty hands, in the process of peeling the potatoes, need to be confirmed. The results obtained in this study are strengthened by the case-control design, which is unique for porcine cysticercosis related surveys, and suggests that blocking transmission to pigs will require management and feeding addressed in greater detail.
Original languageEnglish
Publication date2015
Number of pages1
Publication statusPublished - 2015
Event9th European Congress on Tropical Medicine and International Health: Driving the Best Science to Meet Global Health Challenges - Basel, Switzerland
Duration: 6 Sep 201510 Sep 2015


Conference9th European Congress on Tropical Medicine and International Health

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