Laboratory automation and LIMS in forensics

Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingEncyclopedia chapterResearchpeer-review

1 Citation (Scopus)


Implementation of laboratory automation and LIMS in a forensic laboratory enables the laboratory, to standardize sample processing. Automated liquid handlers can increase throughput and eliminate manual repetitive pipetting operations, known to result in occupational injuries to the technical staff. Furthermore, implementation of automated liquid handlers reduces the risk of sample misplacement. A LIMS can efficiently control the sample flow through the laboratory and manage the results of the conducted tests for each sample. Integration of automated liquid handlers with a LIMS provides the laboratory with the tools required for setting up automated production lines of complex laboratory processes and monitoring the whole process and the results. Combined, this enables processing of a large number of samples. Selection of the best automated solution for an individual laboratory should be based on user requirements for the specific process and requirements for and availability of local support by the vendor. Implementation, validation should be performed according to the user requirements with the amount of samples relevant for the individual process. Automated liquid handlers used for routine work should have regular preventative maintenance inspections as well as performance checks to ensure reliable operation and trustworthy results.
Original languageEnglish
Title of host publicationEncyclopedia of forensic sciences
EditorsJay A. Siegel, Pekka J. Saukko
Publication date2013
ISBN (Electronic)978-0-12-382166-9
Publication statusPublished - 2013

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