Le ali del sole: una kenning artistica in Aesch. Suppl. 212–21.

Translated title of the contribution: The Sun's Wings: an Artistic Kenning in Aeschl. Suppl. 212–21

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In Aeschl. S. 212-3 the sun is called “bird of Zeus.” This unusual expression can be interpreted as an artistic kenning, a complicated metaphor which describes an object through a syntagm of type [X – YGEN.]. Two specific features are shared by both sun and eagle and, simultaneaously, distinguish them among birds and celestial beings, respectively. They are both considered ‘swift’ / ‘swift in flying’, cf. aietós ōkús en potanoĩs (Pind.), YAv. mərəγa … vaiiąm … āsišta and ōkéos ēelíoio (Mimn.), halíou pterúgi thoãi (Eur.), supakṣám āśúṃ patáyantam … sū́ryam (AV). They both ‘see things sharply’, cf. ēélios ... oksútaton ... eisoráasthai, aietós oksú láōn (Hom.), while the Sun-god has an ‘eagle eye’ in Vedic and Hittite texts, cf. páśyan gŕ̥dhrasya cákṣasā (RV), Hitt. ḫāranili šākuiškezzi.
Translated title of the contributionThe Sun's Wings: an Artistic Kenning in Aeschl. Suppl. 212–21
Original languageItalian
JournalAION: Annali dell'Università degli Studi di Napoli «L'Orientale»
VolumeN.S. 5
Pages (from-to)91–106
Publication statusPublished - 2016
Externally publishedYes


  • Faculty of Humanities
  • Greek
  • Aeschylus
  • kenning
  • Supplices
  • Sun
  • iconography

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