Lobbying access during the Covid-19 pandemic: An analysis of communication frequency between interest organisations and political gatekeepers in Denmark and Sweden

Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingBook chapterResearchpeer-review

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This chapter assesses how the Covid-19 pandemic has changed the communication frequency between interest organisations and political gatekeepers in the media, government, parliament, and bureaucracy in Denmark and Sweden. Based on cross-national survey data, it analyses how lobbying access to these important arenas of policy debate has changed after the outbreak of Covid-19. While there is only minor variation between the political arenas and countries, three clear findings stand out: 1) access to policy debates
remained relatively stable: for over 60 per cent of organisations, lobbying
access did not change in the first months of the pandemic; 2) access after the
outbreak of the pandemic is strongly related to pre-pandemic access, meaning
it favours previous insiders; and 3) access still changed for a considerable
share of organisations. Especially organisations that considered themselves
more heavily affected by the crisis enjoyed more lobbying access during the
pandemic than less-affected organisations.
Original languageEnglish
Title of host publicationCommunicating a pandemic : Crisis management and Covid-19 in the Nordic countries
EditorsBengt Johansson, Øyvind Ihlen, Jenny Lindholm, Mark Blach-Ørsten
Place of PublicationGöteborg
Publication date2023
ISBN (Print)9789188855671
ISBN (Electronic)9789188855688
Publication statusPublished - 2023


  • Faculty of Social Sciences
  • lobbying access
  • interest groups
  • pandemic politics
  • political advocasy
  • political voice

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