Magnesium and 54Cr isotope compositions of carbonaceous chondrite chondrules – Insights into early disk processes

Mia Bjørg Stolberg Olsen, Daniel Kim Peel Wielandt, Martin Schiller, Elishevah M. M. E. van Kooten, Martin Bizzarro*

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    We report on the petrology, magnesium isotopes and mass-independent 54Cr/52Cr compositions (μ54Cr) of 42 chondrules from CV (Vigarano and NWA 3118) and CR (NWA 6043, NWA 801 and LAP 02342) chondrites. All sampled chondrules are classified as type IA or type IAB, have low 27Al/24Mg ratios (0.04–0.27) and display little or no evidence for secondary alteration processes. The CV and CR chondrules show variable 25Mg/24Mg and 26Mg/24Mg values corresponding to a range of mass-dependent fractionation of ∼500 ppm (parts per million) per atomic mass unit. This mass-dependent Mg isotope fractionation is interpreted as reflecting Mg isotope heterogeneity of the chondrule precursors and not the result of secondary alteration or volatility-controlled processes during chondrule formation. The CV and CR chondrule populations studied here are characterized by systematic deficits in the mass-independent component of 26Mg (μ26Mg) relative to the solar value defined by CI chondrites, which we interpret as reflecting formation from precursor material with a reduced initial abundance of 26Al compared to the canonical 26Al/27Al of ∼5 × 10−5. Model initial 26Al/27Al values of CV and CR chondrules vary from (1.5 ± 4.0) × 10−6 to (2.2 ± 0.4) × 10−5. The CV chondrules display significant μ54Cr variability, defining a range of compositions that is comparable to that observed for inner Solar System primitive and differentiated meteorites. In contrast, CR chondrites are characterized by a narrower range of μ54Cr values restricted to compositions typically observed for bulk carbonaceous chondrites. Collectively, these observations suggest that the CV chondrules formed from precursors that originated in various regions of the protoplanetary disk and were then transported to the accretion region of the CV parent asteroid whereas CR chondrule predominantly formed from precursor with carbonaceous chondrite-like μ54Cr signatures. The observed μ54Cr variability in chondrules from CV and CR chondrites suggest that the matrix and chondrules did not necessarily formed from the same reservoir. The coupled μ26Mg and μ54Cr systematics of CR chondrules establishes that these objects formed from a thermally unprocessed and 26Al-poor source reservoir distinct from most inner Solar System asteroids and planetary bodies, possibly located beyond the orbits of the gas giants. In contrast, a large fraction of the CV chondrules plot on the inner Solar System correlation line, indicating that these objects predominantly formed from thermally-processed, 26Al-bearing precursor material akin to that of inner Solar System solids, asteroids and planets.

    Original languageEnglish
    JournalGeochimica et Cosmochimica Acta
    Pages (from-to)118-138
    Number of pages21
    Publication statusPublished - 15 Oct 2016


    • Carbonaceous chondrites
    • Chondrules
    • Chromium
    • Isotopes
    • Magnesium
    • Mass transport
    • Protoplanetary disk

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