Medicine Knowledge Questionnaire: Danish Version

Research output: Other contributionResearch


he Medicine Knowledge Questionnaire--Danish Version (Ramzan et al., 2014) was developed for a study that sought to assess the validity of the Danish translation of a questionnaire originally developed by Finnish researchers (Hameen-Anttila, 2006). The questionnaire concerns elementary school children’s knowledge about medicine use. The authors used open-ended questions to gain deeper insight into the respondents' opinions. An example item is, "What can you do if the medication doesn't help?". If, for example, the child answers "Wait until the next day and try again", they would receive one point for the "wait until the next day" phrase (correct) and 0 points for the "try again" phrase (incorrect). Finnish researchers had previously translated the original questionnaire into English, and Danish researchers translated it into Danish for the validation study. Further, the Danish instrument included questions on medicine use taken from a validated questionnaire being used in the international research project called "Health-behavior in School-aged Children" (Rassmussen M., Due P., 2011). The questionnaire was distributed to pupils in 37 Danish schools who agreed to participate in the School Medicine Project in Denmark in 2012. Known-group comparison was used to confirm the ability of the questionnaire to discriminate between sub-groups of children with presumably different knowledge about medicines: gender, school grade, medicine use for Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) and medicine use for asthma. Knowledge scores in first and second round questionnaires from control classes were used to confirm test-retest reliability of the questionnaire. Knowledge scores calculated by two independent investigators on the basis of the responses to first round questionnaires were used to confirm inter-rater reliability. Knowledge, medicine use and demographic characteristics of all the pupils who responded to the first round of the questionnaire were used to confirm known-group validity. The authors note that more work on scoring the children’s answers to open ended medicine knowledge questions is warranted.
Original languageDanish
Publication date2014
Number of pages6
Publication statusPublished - 2014

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