MELACARE Nurse-led follow-up after early-stage melanoma: protocol and feasibility

Sara M. Hansen, Christoffer Johansen, Magnus P.B. Obinah, Nadine A. Kasparian, Peter Genter, Pernille E. Bidstrup, Lisbet R. Hölmich

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BACKGROUND AND PURPOSE: We developed the Melacare nurse-led intervention, which combines education in skin self-examination as a resource-conscious approach to detecting recurrence and management of fear of cancer recurrence in patients treated for melanoma. This publication presents the Melacare study protocol and evaluates the feasibility and acceptability of Melacare prior to a larger randomised controlled trial. MATERIAL AND METHODS: Feasibility and acceptability of Melacare were evaluated in an intervention-only feasibility study, in which patients attended two nurse-led intervention sessions coupled with an educational booklet. Participants completed patient-reported outcome (PRO) questionnaires at baseline and before each session. After the intervention, participants completed a study-specific feedback questionnaire. Feasibility was evaluated in terms of recruitment, adherence, and attendance. Self-reported outcomes from the study-specific questionnaire on intervention effects were also collected. Results of the feasibility study: Fourteen patients (nine stage IA, five stage IB melanoma) participated. Attendance and recruitment rates were 100%, all participants completed the baseline and PRO questionnaires, and 100% read at least half of the educational booklet. In terms of intervention effects, all patients reported improved knowledge of performing skin self-examination and coping with the fear of cancer recurrence. INTERPRETATION: Results indicate that the Melacare nurse-led intervention is highly feasible and acceptable for use with patients treated for early-stage melanoma. Prior to clinical trial commencement, minor refinements include changing the method of recruiting by telephone and offering.

Original languageEnglish
JournalActa oncologica (Stockholm, Sweden)
Pages (from-to)909-914
Number of pages6
Publication statusPublished - 2024

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