Modernitetens pæne kønsroller som de kendes fra Scientologi

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This article argues that the therapeutic systems, Dianetics and Scientology which were developed by Ron L. Hubbard during the 1950s have their origins in modernity and not in high-modernity. The consequences are that the gender roles within the Church of Scientology are in accordance with the patriarchal view of modernism and not in accordance with the plastic-sexuality developed in high-modernity. In this way Scientology differs from a number of other religious movements which were founded in the 1950s and 1960s. Hubbard’s stress on the equality between men and women has never-the-less meant that the recruitment for leadership in the Church of Scientology is near to equal between men and women. The article is a memento against simple generalisations between the societal and the organisational or individual levels of analyses.
The article is based on internal course materials and statistics which have been made accessible by the Church of Scientology.
[før redaktion]
Original languageDanish
JournalChaos. Skandinavisk tidsskrift for religionshistoriske studier
Issue number1
Pages (from-to)129 - 139
Number of pages11
Publication statusPublished - 2012


  • Faculty of Humanities

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