Molecular diversity and the fate of biochemical fractions of eucalypt tissues in soil

Luís F. J. Almeida, Ivan F. Souza*, Luís C. C. Hurtarte, Pedro P. C. Teixeira, Thiago M. Inagaki, Ivo R. Silva, Carsten W. Mueller

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    The molecular diversity of the source substrate has been regarded as a significant controller of the proportion of plant material that is either mineralized or incorporated into soil organic matter (SOM). However, quantitative parameters to express substrate molecular diversity remain elusive. In this research, we fractionated leaves, twigs, bark, and root tissues of 13C-enriched eucalypt seedlings into hot water extractables (HWE), total solvent (acetone) extractables (TSE), a cellulosic fraction (CF), and the acid unhydrolyzable residue (AUR). We used 13C NMR spectroscopy to obtain a molecular diversity index (MDI) based on the relative abundance of carbohydrate, protein, lignin, lipid, and carbonyl functional groups within the biochemical fractions. Subsequently, we ob-tained artificial plant organs containing fixed proportions (25%) of their respective biochemical fractions to be incubated with soil material obtained from a Haplic Ferralsol for 200-days, under controlled temperature (25 +/- 1 degrees C) and moisture adjusted to 70-80% of the soil water holding capacity. Our experimental design was a randomized complete block design, arranged according to a factorial scheme including 4 plant organs, 4 biochemical fractions, and 3 blocks as replicates. During the incubation, we assessed the evolution of CO2 from the microcosms after 1, 2, 3, 4, 7, 10, 13, 21, 28, 38, 45, 70, 80, 92, 112, 148, 178 and 200 days from the start of the incubation. After the incubation, soil subsamples were submitted to a density fractionation to separate the light fraction of SOM (LFOM) i.e., with density

    Original languageEnglish
    Article number116404
    Number of pages11
    Publication statusPublished - 2023


    • Proximate analysis
    • 13C
    • Substrate biochemistry
    • 13C-CP
    • MAS-NMR spectroscopy
    • Molecular diversity
    • Microbial respiration
    • STATE C-13 NMR
    • PLANT
    • LIGNIN
    • INPUTS

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