Motivation til studiegennemførsel: Er coaching svaret?

Translated title of the contribution: Motivation to study completion: Is coaching the answer

Liselotte Paaske Nielsen, Reinhard Stelter

Research output: Contribution to journalJournal articleResearchpeer-review


This article describes how coaching can be utilized as a tool for development of necessary study competenciesand how students can obtain self-esteem, motivation and joy of studying. Thus, the students’ capability to beretained in their field of study and finalize the education will be optimized.It is today a relevant topic, how students can finalize their education within the nominated timeframe, dueto the Propulsion reform and The Danish students’ Grants and Loans Scheme Reform (SU Reformen). Why,it is being investigated how coaching can help student finalize their education through three areas of studentcounselling: The individual counseling, the group counseling and the theme based counseling.The research is based on a qualitative approach, based on three real life cases from the student counseling.The analysis, based on the three cases, will be able to point out “how” coaching can be utilized in the counse-ling of the students to retain them in the environment and help them finalize their studies. Further researchwill need to be conducted to evaluate whether this approach meets the qualitative requirements for studentretention.This article reveals how to help student through their education, by illustrating that their educational chal-lenges are not something that they deal with exclusively and need to handle all by themselves. By creatingawareness of this, the experience with the problems seems smaller for the individual student - insight whichmakes it easier for students to handle their challenges, especially if they are handled within a group settingand not individually.The cases are being illustrated as narratives, building upon theories from social constructivism and syste-mic theory, coaching, positive psychology, community psychology, Appreciative Inquiry (AI) and narrativepsychology.
Translated title of the contributionMotivation to study completion: Is coaching the answer
Original languageDanish
JournalCoaching Psykologi : the Danish Journal of Coaching Psychology
Issue number1
Pages (from-to)47-62
Number of pages16
Publication statusPublished - 2015


  • Faculty of Social Sciences
  • Student retention, Finalization of Education, Student Success, Motivation, Student Counseling, Coaching,

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