Multi-system interactions and institutional work: Actor interactions at the interface of residential storage systems and electric vehicles in Germany

Andrea Käsbohrer*, Teis Hansen, Hans-Martin Zademach

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Multi-system interactions are receiving increasing attention within transition research. However, understanding the consequences of increasing couplings between adjacent systems for transitions requires further research. In response, this paper applies the concept of institutional work to understand the role of actors creating institutional couplings for the reconfiguration of multiple systems. We further elaborate on enabling conditions for institutional work from a sector-sensitive perspective. In-depth interviews with energy and automobile sector experts and participant observation at industry association events show that cross-sectoral networks and advocacy are important mechanisms for creating regulative couplings. However, particularly actors in the automotive industry are able to advance into the electricity market due to increasing access to political institutions and enhanced intellectual and physical-material resources. Thus, we show how within-system incumbents leverage their resources and engage in cross-sectoral institutional work in order to gain knowledge and integrate new technologies.
Original languageEnglish
Article number100844
JournalEnvironmental Innovation and Societal Transitions
Number of pages21
Publication statusPublished - 2024

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