Music and Cultural Diplomacy in the Middle East: Geopolitical Re-configurations for the 21st century

Maria Rijo Lopes da Cunha (Editor), Jonathan H. Shannon (Editor), Søren Møller Sørensen (Editor), Virginia Danielson (Editor)

Research output: Book/ReportAnthologypeer-review


This edited volume offers innovative perspectives on the study of music as cultural diplomacy in the Middle East and North Africa (MENA), a region often overlooked in such discussions. It offers an innovative contribution to the field of ethnomusicology, as well as political science and international relations, by highlighting the agency of non-state actors (local voices, communities, and grassroots organizations), thereby contributing towards de-centering the state, hitherto conceived as the chief player in cultural diplomacy.

This volume is divided into four main parts organized along the following themes: 1. History and Historiography, 2. Migration, Diaspora, and Ethics, 3. Statecraft and Music Making, and 4. Affective and Sensorial Diplomacy. The perspectives offered in this volume offer a deeper exploration of bottom-up initiatives of cultural diplomacy through music, instead of the more usual analyses of top-down, state-directed programmes. Overall, the aim is to reconceptualize Middle Eastern, North African and Arab Gulf musical practices in their relationship to power and cultural diplomacy in order build a broader and pluri-dimensional account of these contentious relationships.
Original languageEnglish
PublisherPalgrave Macmillan
Number of pages286
ISBN (Print)9783031362781, 9783031362811
ISBN (Electronic)9783031362798
Publication statusPublished - 2024


  • Faculty of Humanities
  • Ethnomusicology
  • anthropology of music
  • Cultural studies
  • International Relations
  • Diplomacy
  • Cultural Diplomacy
  • grassroots civil society
  • interdisciplinarity
  • Transnational collaboration
  • Postcolonialism

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