On mathematical digital competency for teaching: The case of an expert teacher

Eirini Geraniou, Uffe Thomas Jankvist, Raimundo Elicer, Andreas Lindenskov Tamborg, Morten Misfeldt

Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingArticle in proceedingsResearchpeer-review

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In this paper, we present a mathematics teacher’s reflections on the design and experimentation of an activity sequence involving transitions from ‘pen-and-paper’ mathematical explorations to mathematical explorations within three different digital environments: GeoGebra, the Scratch programming environment and Excel. We look at her arguments for supporting students’ development of Mathematical Digital Competency (MDC) and reflect on her instrumental orchestration approaches. We then argue and discuss the idea of MDC for teaching (MDCT) using this expert teacher’s case as an exemplar for such practice.
Original languageEnglish
Title of host publicationMathematics Education in the Digital Age (MEDA 3) : Proceedings of the 13th ERME Topic Conference (ETC 13)
EditorsHans-Georg Weigand, Ana Donevska-Todorova, Eleonora Faggiano, Paola Iannone, Janka Medová, Michal Tabach, Melih Turgut
Number of pages8
PublisherEuropean Society for Research in Mathematics Education / ERME
Publication date2022
ISBN (Print)978-80-558-1912-9
Publication statusPublished - 2022
EventMathematics Education in the Digital Age (MEDA): 13th ERME Topic Conference - Constantine the Philosopher University in Nitra, Nitra, Slovakia
Duration: 7 Sep 20229 Sep 2022
Conference number: 13


ConferenceMathematics Education in the Digital Age (MEDA): 13th ERME Topic Conference
LocationConstantine the Philosopher University in Nitra
Internet address

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