Overview of the Mars Pathfinder Mission: Launch Through Landing, Surface Operations, Data Sets, and Science Results

M.P. Golombek, R.C. Anderson, Jacob Roland Barnes, J.F. Bell III, N.T. Bridges, D.T. Britt, J. Brückner, R.A. Cook, D. Crisp, J. Crisp, T. Economou, W.M. Folkner, R. Greeley, R.M. Haberle, R.B. Hargraves, J.A. Harris, A.F.C. Haldemann, S.F. Hviid, R. Jaumann, J.R. JohnsonK.E. Herkenhoff, P. H.ry W. Kallemeyn, H.U. Keller, R.L. Kirk, Jens Martin Knudsen, S. Larsen, M. Lemmon, M.B. Madsen, J.A. Magelhäes, R.M. Manning, J.N. Maki, M.C. Malin, J. Matijevic, H.Y. McSween Jr., H.J. Moore, S.L. Murchie, J.R. Murphy, T.J. Parker, R. Rieder, J.T. Schofield, A. Seiff, R.B. Singer, P.H. Smith, L.A. Soderblom, D.A. Spencer, C. Stoker, R.P. Sullivan, N. Thomas, S.W. Thurman, M.G. Tomasko, R.M. Vaughan, H. Wänke, W. Ward, G. Wilson

    Research output: Contribution to journalJournal articleResearch

    Original languageEnglish
    JournalJournal of Geophysical Research - Oceans
    Issue number104
    Pages (from-to)00-14
    Publication statusPublished - 1998

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