Pb-Pb dating of individual chondrules from the CBa chondrite Gujba: assessment of the impact plume formation model

Jean Francois André Bollard*, James Connelly, Martin Bizzarro

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    88 Citations (Scopus)


    The CB chondrites are metal-rich meteorites with characteristics that sharply distinguish them from other chondrite groups. Their unusual chemical and petrologic features and a young formation age of bulk chondrules dated from the CB<inf>a</inf> chondrite Gujba are interpreted to reflect a single-stage impact origin. Here, we report high-precision internal isochrons for four individual chondrules of the Gujba chondrite to probe the formation history of CB chondrites and evaluate the concordancy of relevant short-lived radionuclide chronometers. All four chondrules define a brief formation interval with a weighted mean age of 4562.49±0.21Myr, consistent with its origin from the vapor-melt impact plume generated by colliding planetesimals. Formation in a debris disk mostly devoid of nebular gas and dust sets an upper limit for the solar protoplanetary disk lifetime at 4.8±0.3Myr. Finally, given the well-behaved Pb-Pb systematics of all four chondrules, a precise formation age and the concordancy of the Mn-Cr, Hf-W, and I-Xe short-lived radionuclide relative chronometers, we propose that Gujba may serve as a suitable time anchor for these systems.

    Original languageEnglish
    JournalMeteoritics and Planetary Science
    Issue number7
    Pages (from-to)1197-1216
    Number of pages20
    Publication statusPublished - 2015

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