Product information affects perception of sensory, collative properties and elicited emotions of Indonesian tempe

Dwi Larasatie Nur Fibri, Michael Bom Frøst

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The effects of product information given to consumers were evaluated on sensory and collative properties of tempe, a traditional Indonesian food. A consumer test on 9 different types of tempe (5 traditionally tempe and 4 more modernized version of tempe) was carried out with 175 Indonesian consumers (63% women) in a sensory laboratory. The information that was provided to consumers related to the raw materials, origin and the production methods of the tempe. The tests were done in blind and informed session in two consecutive days. The questionnaire consists of 3 parts: hedonics, CATA of sensory properties, rating of collative properties and elicited emotions. The results show astonishingly large effects of the information (table 1 and 2). The 5 traditional tempes (produced from velvet bean, black soybean, mungbean, jackbean, and local yellow soybean, all inoculated with traditional usar inoculum) have significantly different collative properties when information is provided, especially in authenticity and traditional. The elicited emotions that were affected were proud, pleasant and enthusiastic. The five traditional tempes are also more liked when the consumer knows the information of the products. The perceived sensory properties measured with CATA were affected significantly by the provided information. In particular the firmness, rancidity, bitterness, umami, and savory were affected. Surprisingly, the soy-based tempes changed substantially in perception, as a result of the production methods, where the traditional was most different from partly modernized and fully modernized. However, interaction is not systematic whether on bean or production type. Information changed the perception on sensory and collative properties of the products. The results demonstrate the powerful effect of transparency regarding the products’ provenience and product methods. The results show the importance of consumer education and information to preserve or maintain the diversity of food we eat.
Original languageEnglish
Publication date2016
Number of pages2
Publication statusPublished - 2016
Event7th European Conference on Sensory and Consumer Research - Palais des Congress, Dijon, France
Duration: 11 Sep 201614 Sep 2016


Conference7th European Conference on Sensory and Consumer Research
LocationPalais des Congress

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