Professor Nukem - communicating research in the age of the experience economy

Kjetil Sandvik, Anne Mette Thorhauge

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The experience economy, that is, the creative and communicative turn in today's social, cultural and economic structures implies, as explained by Pine and Gilmour (1999), that consume is embedded in a communicational format that conveys some kind of experience to the consumer. The consumer in turn becomes more than just a passive user - she becomes an active participant in the experiential/communicational design. As such the mode of consume in the experience economy is an interactive and play-centric one. And the computer game embodies the very core logic of this experience economy. In the experience economy focus is not on consume of commodities and services, but on the consumer's engagement in an experience which uses products, services and information as props and creative tools. Using the user-centered mode of consume as our point of departure, this paper examines how the computer game format may be used as a new tool for communicating academic research to a broader audience. By applying some findings from a recent project, we will focus on the ways academic research may be communicated in a format that makes the recipient take part in the process of communication and acquiring knowledge. This may include different elements of the academic process such as asking questions, posing hypothesis, working with complex and conflicting subject matters. Thus, this model for communicating academic research positions the recipient as an active participant in the communicational process and provides communicating academic research with an experiential dimension.
Original languageEnglish
Publication date2007
Number of pages21
Publication statusPublished - 2007
EventNordMedia 2007 - 18th Nordic Conference for Media and Communication Research: Generation, Communication and Media Philosophy - Helsinki, Finland
Duration: 16 Aug 200719 Aug 2007


ConferenceNordMedia 2007 - 18th Nordic Conference for Media and Communication Research: Generation, Communication and Media Philosophy


  • Faculty of Humanities
  • computer games
  • experience economy
  • research communication
  • learning

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