Research Data Management

Susanne den Boer Beckers, Falco Hüser, Lorna Elizabeth Wildgaard, Lars Holm Rasmussen, Thea Marie Drachen, Asger Væring Larsen, Bertil Dorch, Peter Sandøe

Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingBook chapterEducation

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Good research data management is a crucial foundation
of transparent, trustworthy research. Therefore, research
institutions, funding agencies, scientific journals and policymakers – led by the European Commission – have been
investing increasingly in efforts to improve practices for the
management of research materials and data. But what is ‘good’
research data management, and how do we define ‘research
data’ in the first place? In this chapter, we provide an overview
of research data management throughout the research process.
We illustrate the various benefits of establishing best practice
in research data management for the individual researcher,
including higher levels of efficiency and security during the
project and improved visibility and impact of results.
Original languageEnglish
Title of host publicationRCR – A Danish textbook for courses in Responsible Conduct of Research
EditorsKarsten Klint Jensen, Martin Marchman Andersen, Louise Whiteley, Peter Sandøe
PublisherDepartment of Food and Resource Economics, University of Copenhagen
Publication date2020
ISBN (Print)978-87-93768-19-2
Publication statusPublished - 2020

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