Role of root hair elongation in rhizosheath aggregation and in the carbon flow into the soil

Pedro Paulo C. Teixeira*, Svenja Trautmann, Franz Buegger, Vincent J.M.N.L. Felde, Johanna Pausch, Carsten W. Müller, Ingrid Kögel-Knabner

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    One of the most prominent changes in the rhizospheric soil structure is associated with the formation of a strongly bound soil layer in the surroundings of the root, which is named rhizosheath. In this study, we investigated how root hair elongation, a ubiquitous root morphological trait, affect the stability of rhizosheath aggregates. Using 13CO2 pulse labeling, we tracked the fate of root-derived 13C inputted into the rhizosheath of two Zea mays L. genotypes with contrasting root hair elongation: a mutant with root hair defective elongation (rth3) and a corresponding wild type (WT). In addition, we also investigated the differences between two 13CO2 labeling approaches (single vs. multiple pulse labeling) in the distribution of 13C in the rhizosheath aggregates. We were able to demonstrate that the rhizosheath aggregate stability and the resulting aggregate size distribution follows the same mechanisms irrespective of the root hair elongation. This result reinforces the assumption that other soil properties are more decisive for the soil structure formation in the rhizosheath in comparison to root hair elongation. The majority of recently deposited root-derived C (57%) was found in the macroaggregates. Increasing the number of pulses (multiple pulse labeling approach) resulted in a higher 13C enrichment of the rhizosheath aggregates fractions in comparison to the application of a single pulse. While both labeling approaches resulted in a similar distribution of 13C in the rhizosheath aggregates, the higher enrichment given by multiple pulse labeling allowed the separation of significant differences between the genotypes in plant C allocation in the rhizosheath.

    Original languageEnglish
    JournalBiology and Fertility of Soils
    Issue number3
    Pages (from-to)351-361
    Publication statusPublished - 2023

    Bibliographical note



    • C pulse labeling
    • Dry-crushing
    • Isotopes
    • Maize (Zea mays L.)
    • Rhizosheath
    • Rhizosphere soil aggregates

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