Rural-urban linkages and financial services: Opportunity for rural poverty reduction

Evelyne Lazaro, Jeromia Makindara, Fredy Kilima, Msuya John, Elizbeth Mshote, Chris Magomba, Godfrey Saga, Mkubia Wambura, Lukelo Msese, D. Mushi, Zerida Lumole, Torben Birch-Thomsen, Jytte Agergaard, Marianne Nylandsted Larsen, Niels Fold

    Research output: Working paper

    466 Downloads (Pure)
    Original languageEnglish
    PublisherDepartment of Geosciences and Natural Resource Management, Faculty of Science, University of Copenhagen
    Number of pages4
    Publication statusPublished - Nov 2014
    SeriesRUCROP Policy Briefs

    Bibliographical note

    RUCROP Policy Briefs are generated in relation to
    the DANIDA funded research project Rural-Urban
    Complementarities for The Reduction of Poverty (RUCROP):
    Identifying the Contribution of Savings and Credit Facilities
    and is carried out jointly by the Department of Agricultural
    Economics and Agri-business at Sokoine University of
    Agriculture (SUA), Tanzania and the Department of
    Geosciences and Natural Resource Management (DGNRM),
    Geography Section of University of Copenhagen (Project No.

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