Scenarier for byvækst i Europa: tab af natur- og landbrugsarealer

Translated title of the contribution: Scenarios for urban growth in Europe: Loss of nature and agricultural areas

Christian Fertner, Thomas Alexander Sick Nielsen

    Research output: Contribution to journalJournal articleCommunication

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    Working in urban and regional planning means working with an uncertain future. One way to deal with this uncertainty is by using scenarios. Scenarios are not predictions of the future but possible images of futures. In the EU co-financed research project PLUREL (2007-2010), co-ordinated by Skov & Landskab, scenarios where used to model possible futures for urban development in Europe.
    Translated title of the contributionScenarios for urban growth in Europe: Loss of nature and agricultural areas
    Original languageDanish
    JournalVidenblade Planlægning og Friluftsliv
    Issue number8.2-1
    Number of pages2
    Publication statusPublished - 2011


    • Urban planning
    • Guest researcher

      Christian Fertner (Participant)

      17 May 20102 Jul 2010

      Activity: Other activity typesOther (prizes, external teaching and other activities) - Period visiting other institutions

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