Single-photon superradiance from a quantum dot

Petru Tighineanu, Raphaël Sura Daveau, Tau Bernstorff Lehmann, Harvey E. Beere, David A. Ritchie, Peter Lodahl, Søren Stobbe

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We report on the observation of single-photon superradiance from an exciton in a semiconductor quantum dot. The confinement by the quantum dot is strong enough for it to mimic a two-level atom, yet sufficiently weak to ensure superradiance. The electrostatic interaction between the electron and the hole comprising the exciton gives rise to an anharmonic spectrum, which we exploit to prepare the superradiant quantum state deterministically with a laser pulse. We observe a fivefold enhancement of the oscillator strength compared to conventional quantum dots. The enhancement is limited by the base temperature of our cryostat and may lead to oscillator strengths above 1000 from a single quantum emitter at optical frequencies.
Original languageEnglish
Article number163604
JournalPhysical Review Letters
Number of pages6
Publication statusPublished - 21 Apr 2016

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