Social vulnerability in R4C demo regions. Regional indicators and narratives: R4C Deliverable 2.1

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This report is one of the first analyses in the EU project Regions4Climate (R4C). It contributes to a better understanding of R4C regions’ vulnerabilities. Vulnerability is a key concept in relation to climate change impacts and just resilience. Vulnerability may be understood as that of an individual e.g., a person’s higher sensitivity to heat waves because of its health condition combined with a lack of resources (adaptive capacity) to cope (e.g., invest in air condition or travel to cooler places), as well as to economic sectors and infrastructure, e.g., certain forms of farming sensitive to changing precipitation (hazard).
Our method includes two approaches: First, we provide a very general baseline analysis of the socio-economic situation of the regions by analysing data from Eurostat, comparing each region to their respective country and to the other demo regions. Second, we present thematically structured narratives on social vulnerability across the regions. The narratives were gathered through a mini-survey among the case stakeholders, a screening of climate (adaptation) plans and 12 online semi-structured interviews with regional stakeholders, one in each demo region.
The twofold approach provides insights into the status of how social vulnerability in climate adaptation is experienced, expressed and understood across the regions. Both, in terms of the tales told by regional indicators, and the understanding, concerns and approaches found among stakeholders. This initial analysis does not provide an exhaustive survey but allows for multiple voices and perspectives on how this topic is currently understood and approached in climate adaptation across different contexts. Such an understanding will help to qualify the framework, modelling and roadmap building in the Regions4Climate project.
Original languageEnglish
PublisherEuropean Union
Number of pages55
Publication statusPublished - 2023

Bibliographical note

Regions4Climate, EU Horizon project grant no. 101093873.


  • Climate change
  • Climate adaptation
  • regional planning
  • Social vulnerability
  • Europe
  • Adaptation strategies
  • Inclusion
  • spatial justice
  • climate justice
  • Indicators
  • Land use and management

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