Teacher development in computational thinking and student performance in mathematics: a proxy-based TIMSS study

Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingArticle in proceedingsResearchpeer-review

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This paper draws on data from TIMSS 2019 to investigate an approximate relation between Danish, Swedish, and English teachers’ in-service training in computational thinking (CT) and their students’ TIMSS scores as compared to students whose teachers had only received training in digital technology (DT) or problem solving (PS). To that end, we developed a proxy for CT combining PS and DT, based on recent definitions of CT in mathematics education. The results indicate that, in England, in-service CT training is associated with systematically better student TIMSS scores as compared to students whose teachers received only DT or PS training, but the best scores were achieved by teachers who did not participate in any of the three forms of training. In Denmark, CT training was found to have a negative effect on TIMMS scores while in Sweden, the effect of CT training was difficult to assess.
Original languageEnglish
Title of host publicationProceedings of the 15th International Conference on Technology in Mathematics Teaching (ICTMT 15) : Making and Strengthening “Connections and Connectivity” for Teaching Mathematics with Technology
PublisherAarhus University
Publication date2022
ISBN (Electronic)9788775075256
Publication statusPublished - 2022
EventICTMT 15 International conference on technology in mathematics teaching - Danish School of Education, Århus University, Copenhagen, Denmark
Duration: 6 Sep 20219 Sep 2021


ConferenceICTMT 15 International conference on technology in mathematics teaching
LocationDanish School of Education, Århus University
Internet address

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