The First Community-Wide, Comparative Cross-linking Mass Spectrometry Study

Claudio Iacobucci, Christine Piotrowski, Ruedi Aebersold, Bruno C Amaral, Philip C Andrews, Katja Bernfur, Christoph H Borchers, Nicholas I Brodie, James E Bruce, Yong Cao, Stéphane Chaignepain, Juan D Chavez, Stéphane Claverol, Jurgen Cox, Trisha N Davis, Gianluca Degliesposti, Meng-Qiu Dong, Nufar Edinger, Cecilia Emanuelsson, Marina GayFrancisco Gomes-Neto, Fabio Cesar Gozzo, Craig B Gutierrez, Caroline Haupt, Albert J R Heck, Frank Herzog, Lan Huang, Michael R Hoopmann, Nir Kalisman, Oleg Klykov, Zdeněk Kukačka, Fan Liu, Michael J MacCoss, Karl Mechtler, Ravit Mesika, Robert L Moritz, Nagarjuna Nagaraj, Victor Nesati, Ana G C Neves-Fereira, Robert Ninnis, Petr Novák, Francis J O'Reilly, Matthias Pelzing, Evgeniy V Petrotchenko, Lolita Piersimoni, Manolo Plasencia, Tara L Pukala, Kasper D Rand, Juri Rappsilber, Dana Reichman, Carolin Sailer, Chris P Sarnowski, Richard A Scheltema, Carla Schmidt, David C Schriemer, Yi Shi, J Mark Skehel, Moriya Slavin, Frank Sobott, Victor Solis-Mezarino, Heike Stephanowitz, Florian Stengel, Christian E Stieger, Esben Trabjerg, Michael J Trnka, Marta Vilaseca, Rosa Viner, Yufei Xiang, Şule Yılmaz, Alex Zelter, Daniel S Ziemianowicz, Alexander Leitner, Andrea Sinz*

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The number of publications in the field of chemical cross-linking combined with mass spectrometry (XL-MS) to derive constraints for protein three-dimensional structure modeling and to probe protein-protein interactions has increased during the last years. As the technique is now becoming routine for in vitro and in vivo applications in proteomics and structural biology there is a pressing need to define protocols as well as data analysis and reporting formats. Such consensus formats should become accepted in the field and be shown to lead to reproducible results. This first, community-based harmonization study on XL-MS is based on the results of 32 groups participating worldwide. The aim of this paper is to summarize the status quo of XL-MS and to compare and evaluate existing cross-linking strategies. Our study therefore builds the framework for establishing best practice guidelines for conducting cross-linking experiments, performing data analysis, and reporting formats with the ultimate goal of assisting scientists to generate accurate and reproducible XL-MS results.

Original languageEnglish
JournalAnalytical Chemistry
Issue number11
Pages (from-to)6953-6961
Publication statusPublished - 2 May 2019

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