The microgeography of university-industry collaboration: the case of joint laboratories of Telecom Italia

Maral Mahdad, Marcel Bogers, Andrea Piccaluga

Research output: Contribution to conferencePaperResearch


The purpose of this study is to understand the influence of geographical proximity on other proximity dimensions within university-industry cooperative research centers. Many aspects of the relationship between proximity and innovation have been researched, but the interplay between geographical proximity and other proximity dimensions in this particular socioeconomic
setting has not been deeply investigated. To advance our understanding in this context, our multiple-case study addresses the question of how geographically proximate university and industry influence cognitive, social, organizational, institutional, and cultural proximity within university-industry joint laboratories. Our results are derived from 53 in-depth interviews with laboratory directors and employees, and representatives from both the company and the university within eight joint laboratories of Telecom Italia (TIM). We find that geographical
proximity helps to shed light on the performance of university-industry collaboration by influencing proximity dimensions. We specifically identify the significant role of geographical proximity on social and cultural proximity specifically at micro level. Our qualitative analysis draws on a conceptual framework for proximity dimensions and university-industry cooperative research centers. Our findings provide specific insights that advance the literature in proximity as well as university-industry collaborations.
Original languageEnglish
Publication date2016
Number of pages36
Publication statusPublished - 2016
EventDRUID 20th Anniversary Conference - København, Denmark
Duration: 13 Jun 201615 Jun 2016


ConferenceDRUID 20th Anniversary Conference

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