The ULK1/2 and AMPK inhibitor SBI-0206965 blocks AICAR and insulin-stimulated glucose transport

Jonas Roland Knudsen, Agnete B Madsen, Kaspar W Persson, Carlos Henríquez-Olguín, Zhencheng Li, Thomas Elbenhardt Jensen*

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The small molecule kinase inhibitor SBI-0206965 was originally described as a specific inhibitor of ULK1/2. More recently, it was reported to effectively inhibit AMPK and several studies now report its use as an AMPK inhibitor. Currently, we investigated the specificity of SBI-0206965 in incubated mouse skeletal muscle, measuring the effect on analog 5-aminoimidazole-4-carboxamide ribonucleotide (AICAR)-stimulated AMPK-dependent glucose transport and insulin-stimulated AMPK-independent glucose uptake. Pre-treatment with 10 µM SBI-0206965 for 50 min potently suppressed AICAR-stimulated glucose transport in both the extensor digitorum longus (EDL) and soleus muscle. This was despite only a modest lowering of AICAR-stimulated AMPK activation measured as ACC2 Ser212, while ULK1/2 Ser555 phosphorylation was prevented. Insulin-stimulated glucose transport was also potently inhibited by SBI-0206965 in soleus. No major changes were observed on insulin-stimulated cell signaling. No general effect of SBI-0206965 on intracellular membrane morphology was observed by transmission electron microscopy. As insulin is known to neither activate AMPK nor require AMPK to stimulate glucose transport, and insulin inhibits ULK1/2 activity, these data strongly suggest that SBI-0206965 has a non-specific off-target inhibitory effect on muscle glucose transport. Thus, SBI-0206965 is not a specific inhibitor of the AMPK/ULK-signaling axis in skeletal muscle, and data generated with this inhibitor must be interpreted with caution.

Original languageEnglish
Article number2344
JournalInternational Journal of Molecular Sciences
Issue number7
Number of pages10
Publication statusPublished - 2020


  • Faculty of Science
  • AMPK
  • ULK1/2
  • Skeletal muscle
  • Kinase inhibitor
  • SBI-0206965

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