The UV spectra of NLS1s - implications for their broad line regions

J. K. Kuraszkiewicz*, B. J. Wilkes, B. Czerny, S. Mathur, W. N. Brandt, M. Vestergaard

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2 Citations (Scopus)


We study the UV spectra of NLS1 galaxies and compare them with typical Seyfert 1 galaxies and quasars. The NLS1 spectra show narrower UV lines as well as weaker CIVλ1549 and CIII]λ1909 emission. We show that these line properties are due to a lower ionization parameter and somewhat higher BLR cloud densities. These modified conditions can be explained by the hotter big blue bumps observed in NLS1s, which are in turn due to higher L/LEdd ratios, as shown by our accretion disk and corona modeling of the NLS1 continua. We also present evidence that the Boroson and Green eigenvector 1, which is correlated with the optical and UV emission-line properties, is not driven by orientation and hence NLS1s, which have extreme eigenvector 1 values, are not viewed from an extreme viewing angle.

Original languageEnglish
JournalNew Astronomy Reviews
Issue number7-9
Pages (from-to)573-575
Number of pages3
Publication statusPublished - Sep 2000
Externally publishedYes


  • Galaxies: active
  • Quasars: emission lines

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