Translation and Cross-Cultural Adaptation of the Self Evaluation of Breathing Questionnaire into Danish

Karen Hjerrild Andreasson, Julie Sandell Jacobsen, Anja Leth Egsgaard, Kate Rauff Denby, Charlotte Hyldgaard, Uffe Bodtger, Charlotte Suppli Ulrik, Lone Schaadt, Rosalba Courtney, Anne Mette Schmidt

Research output: Contribution to journalConference abstract in journalResearch


Dysfunctional breathing (DB) often complicates respiratory disease but can also occur as an isolated condition. DB-related symptoms are reliably measured with the 25-item Self Evaluation of Breathing Questionnaire (SEBQ). However, no validated translations of DB questionnaires into Danish exists. The aim was to translate and cross-culturally adapt the SEBQ into Danish, and additionally to assess face validity of SEBQ in individuals with DB-related symptoms.

Using an internationally acknowledged six-step forward backward translation guideline, an expert committee of clinicians, translators, methodologists and the developer translated and cross-culturally adapted the SEBQ into Danish. Face validity was explored through semi-structured interviews with 24 adult individuals with DB-related symptoms (age 20-70 years, female n=14).

Three major modifications were made during the translation process and participant interviews. Firstly, an introductory paragraph including a recall period of the previous seven days was added. Secondly, the administration of the questionnaire was changed from paper to electronic version. Thirdly, semantic equivalence especially concerning being “breathless” vs “short of breath” was precised. The face validity group expressed that SEBQ embraced their symptoms and was understandable and easy to complete.

SEBQ is the first DB questionnaire that has been translated and cross-culturally adapted according to international guidelines into Danish. The next step is to assess measurement properties in Danish-speaking individuals with DB-related symptoms to investigate adequacy in a Danish context.
Original languageEnglish
JournalThe European Respiratory Journal
Issue numberSuppl 8
Pages (from-to)PA620
Number of pages1
Publication statusPublished - 2024

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