Two cases of lysergamide intoxication by ingestion of seeds from Hawaiian Baby Woodrose

Helene Bendstrup Klinke, Irene Breum Müller, Steffen Steffenrud, Rasmus Dahl-Sørensen

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We describe two cases of human consumption of seeds from Argyreia nervosa (Hawaiian Baby Woodrose), which resulted in one fatality due to falling from a building and one surviving witness. The principal psychoactive constituent of the seeds, lysergamide (LSA), was recovered from blood and urine samples by mixed-mode cation exchange solid-phase extraction and quantified by ultra performance liquid chromatography-time of flight mass spectrometry (UPLC-ToF/MS). The LSA concentrations were determined by UPLC-ToF/MS to be 4.9 microg/L in blood and 1.0mg/L in urine in the dead person and 1.8 microg/L in blood and 0.50mg/L in urine in the living person. These analytical findings were found to be in accordance with the case story, which indicated that seeds had been ingested and also noted psychological reactions, i.e. the will to jump out of the window. Other findings in the dead person were 22 microg/L THC in blood, 0.71 g/L ethanol in blood and 1.0 g/L ethanol in vitreous humor. Constituents originating from the seeds of A. nervosa, i.e. LSA, ergonovine, lysergic acid alpha-hydroxyethylamide were also identified in the biological samples. The 2-hydroxy-3-oxo metabolites of LSA and ergonovine were identified in the urine sample of the deceased.
Original languageEnglish
JournalForensic Science International
Issue number1-3
Pages (from-to)e1-e5
Number of pages6
Publication statusPublished - 15 Apr 2010

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