Two draft genome sequences of Pseudomonas jessenii strains isolated from a copper contaminated site in Denmark

Yanan Qin, Dan Wang, Kristian Koefoed Brandt, Christopher Rensing

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Pseudomonas jessenii C2 and Pseudomonas jessenii H16 were isolated from low-Cu and high-Cu industrially contaminated soil, respectively. P. jessenii H16 displayed significant resistance to copper when compared to P. jessenii C2. Here we describe genome sequences and interesting features of these two strains. The genome of P. jessenii C2 comprised 6,420,113 bp, with 5814 protein-coding genes and 67 RNA genes. P. jessenii H16 comprised 6,807,788 bp, with 5995 protein-coding genes and 70 RNA genes. Of special interest was a specific adaptation to this harsh copper-contaminated environment as P. jessenii H16 contained a novel putative copper resistance genomic island (GI) of around 50,000 bp.

Original languageEnglish
Article number86
JournalStandards in Genomic Sciences
Number of pages9
Publication statusPublished - 2016

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