The outcome of PIE *#Hi- and *#Hu- in Germanic

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It has been established with a great amount of certainty that PIE *#Hu- > Gr. #Vὐ- and that PIE *#Hi- > Gr. #ἰ-. It still remains to be demonstrated what happens in other Western Indo-European branches, including Germanic. In this article , I reject the statement by Ringe (1988: 433) that PIE *#Hu- > PG *#u-? and propose the possibility of differentiated outcomes dependent on the timbre of the PIE laryngeal, viz. that PIE *#h1i- > PG *#i- and PIE *#h1u- > PG *#u- as assumed by most scholars, but that PIE *#h2i- and PIE *#h2u- might yield PG *#ai- and PG *#au-, respectively. Furthermore, I tentatively propose that PG *#au- > PG *#u- when followed by a labial consonant; a development partially paralleled in Greek and in English.
Translated title of the contributionUdviklingen af ie. *#Hi- og *#Hu- i germansk
Original languageEnglish
JournalIndogermanische Forschungen
Pages (from-to)31-76
Publication statusPublished - 2015


  • Faculty of Humanities
  • Indo-European
  • Germanic
  • phonology
  • laryngeals
  • diphthongs
  • vowel prothesis

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