Using an eHealth portal to transform PHC during the pandemic: How a national eHealth portal enabled a fast and inclusive response to the covid-19 pandemic

Lars Kayser, Sisse Banck, Kristian Bang Jensen, Jakob Uffelmann, Morten Elbæk*

*Corresponding author for this work

Research output: Book/ReportReportCommissionedpeer-review

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In Denmark, as in other countries, the COVID-19 pandemic has caused overload of the capacities of health systems
and an increase in deaths.
The trusted Danish eHealth Portal has been instrumental in facilitating delivery of, and accessibility to, health services,
including fast access to test results and documentation of vaccinations. It has also served as an information resource
enabling decision-making for citizens and health care professionals.
The Portal has acted as a gatekeeper for access to Danish primary health care (PHC) services before and during the pandemic. Ultimately, it has become instrumental in moving toward digital health literacy in the population at large.
The Portal and its support organization expanded swiftly during the pandemic to reinforce new digital solutions to ease access to services. Access to health data via the Portal has been expanded for PHC professionals to cover municipalities, allowing these to be part of the emergency response and to provide health care locally
Original languageEnglish
PublisherWHO Regional Office for Europe
Number of pages8
Publication statusPublished - 2022


  • Faculty of Health and Medical Sciences
  • Informatics
  • covid-19
  • Health portal

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