Validation of the psychosocial consequences of screening in lung cancer questionnaire in the international lung screen trial Australian cohort

Asha Bonney, John Brodersen, Volkert Siersma, Katharine See, Henry M Marshall, Daniel Steinfort, Louis Irving, Linda Lin, Jiashi Li, Siyuan Pang, Paul Fogarty, Fraser Brims, Annette McWilliams, Emily Stone, Stephen Lam, Kwun M Fong, Renee Manser

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BACKGROUND: Evaluation of psychosocial consequences of lung cancer screening with LDCT in high-risk populations has generally been performed using generic psychometric instruments. Such generic instruments have low coverage and low power to detect screening impacts. This study aims to validate an established lung cancer screening-specific questionnaire, Consequences Of Screening Lung Cancer (COS-LC), in Australian-English and describe early results from the baseline LDCT round of the International Lung Screen Trial (ILST).

METHODS: The Danish-version COS-LC was translated to Australian-English using the double panel method and field tested in Australian-ILST participants to examine content validity. A random sample of 200 participants were used to assess construct validity using Rasch item response theory models. Reliability was assessed using classical test theory. The COS-LC was administered to ILST participants at prespecified timepoints including at enrolment, dependent of screening results.

RESULTS: Minor linguistic alterations were made after initial translation of COS-LC to English. The COS-LC demonstrated good content validity and adequate construct validity using psychometric analysis. The four core scales fit the Rasch model, with only minor issues in five non-core scales which resolved with modification. 1129 Australian-ILST participants were included in the analysis, with minimal psychosocial impact observed shortly after baseline LDCT results.

CONCLUSION: COS-LC is the first lung cancer screening-specific questionnaire to be validated in Australia and has demonstrated excellent psychometric properties. Early results did not demonstrate significant psychosocial impacts of screening. Longer-term follow-up is awaited and will be particularly pertinent given the announcement of an Australian National Lung Cancer Screening Program.


Original languageEnglish
Article number10
JournalHealth and Quality of Life Outcomes
Issue number1
Number of pages13
Publication statusPublished - 2024

Bibliographical note

© 2024. The Author(s).


  • Humans
  • Lung Neoplasms/diagnosis
  • Early Detection of Cancer/methods
  • Reproducibility of Results
  • Quality of Life
  • Australia
  • Surveys and Questionnaires
  • Lung

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