Value creation pedagogy in higher education: Twelve cases from engineering, healthcare, pedagogy, business, humanities and natural science

Martin Lackéus, Jette Seiden Hyldegård, Helle Meibom Færgemann

Research output: Contribution to conferencePaperResearchpeer-review


Value Creation Pedagogy (VCP) has been positioned as a “primary
pedagogy” in entrepreneurial education. However, most studies of VCP have
been conducted on primary and secondary education levels, as well as on
student experiences, leaving important gaps in literature on teacher
perspectives on VCP in HE. This study aims to remedy these gaps by
exploring what happens in practice when teachers in twelve different cases
let their students create value for others as formal part of a HE course or
programme. Interviews uncovered strong engagement among teachers and
students but also numerous challenges that impact feasibility and
organisation of VCP. VCP requires teachers to engage in a multi-year,
iterative and challenging development journey. Students need more
emotional support than in regular courses. It was evident that little is known
about VCP as practice in HE, triggering many new questions. Teachers need
to be provided more support through active communities of VCP practice,
supporting models, assessment techniques, and possibly also additional
funding. This is the first multiple case study of VCP in HE.
Original languageEnglish
Publication date2024
Number of pages20
Publication statusUnpublished - 2024
Event3E Conference: ECSB Entrepreneurship Education Conference - Amsterdam, Netherlands
Duration: 15 May 202417 May 2024


Conference3E Conference
Internet address

Bibliographical note

Paper presented at the 3E-conference 15-17th May 2024 in Amsterdam

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