Violence against women and the EU accession to the Istanbul Concention: the Danish questionnaire

    Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingReport chapterResearchpeer-review

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    Original languageEnglish
    Title of host publicationViolence against women and the EU accession to the Istanbul Convention : Study for the FEMM Committee
    EditorsGrainne Murphy
    Number of pages146
    VolumePE 596.815
    PublisherEuropean Parliament
    Publication date2017
    Publication statusPublished - 2017

    Bibliographical note

    This research paper was requested by the European Parliament's Committee on Women's
    Rights and Gender Equality and commissioned, overseen and published by the Policy
    Department for Citizens’ Rights and Constitutional Affairs.
    Policy departments provide independent expertise, both in-house and externally, to support
    European Parliament committees and other parliamentary bodies in shaping legislation and
    exercising democratic scrutiny over EU external and internal policies.
    To contact the Policy Department for Citizens’ Rights and Constitutional Affairs or to
    subscribe to its newsletter please write to:
    [email protected]
    Research Administrator Responsible
    Martina SCHONARD
    Policy Department C: Citizens Rights and Constitutional Affairs
    European Parliament
    B-1047 Brussels
    E-mail: [email protected]
    Athena CHRISTOFI, Milieu.
    Elena FRIES-TERSCH, Milieu.
    Nathalie MEURENS, Milieu.
    Catarina MONTEIRO, Milieu.
    Sophie MOREL, Milieu.
    Hana SPANIKOVA, Milieu.
    The authors are grateful for the feedback of the senior experts:
    Professor Liz KELLY, London Metropolitan University.
    Dr Els LEY, Ghent University.
    Austria: Tanja FACHATHALER
    Belgium: Nathalie MEURENS
    Bulgaria: Albena KOYCHEVA
    Cyprus: Athena CHRISTOFI
    Czech Republic: Hana SPANIKOVA
    Croatia: Jelena MILOVANOVIC
    Denmark: Trine BAUMBACH
    Estonia: Marianne MEIORG
    Finland: Laura ISOLATO
    France: Sophie MOREL
    Germany: Jan TROMMER
    Greece: Athena CHRISTOFI
    Hungary: Katalin ADAMIS-CSASZAR
    Ireland: Gillian KELLY
    Italy: Sara FIORENTINI
    Latvia: Julija SPROGE
    Lithuania: Rugile BUTKEVICIUTE
    Luxembourg: Sophie MOREL
    Malta: Athena CHRISTOFI and Sophie MOREL
    The Netherlands: Alexandra SCHNEIDERS
    Poland: Julia MURASZKIEWCZ
    Portugal: Ana Maria RODRIGUEZ
    Romania: Cristinel BUZATU
    Slovakia: Hana SPANIKOVA
    Slovenia: Katarina BERVAR STERNAD
    Spain: Ivan MARTINEZ
    Sweden: Gillian KELLY
    United Kingdom: Athena CHRISTOFI
    Editor: Grainne MURPHY

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