Weight Changes following the Diagnosis of Type 2 Diabetes: The Impact of Recent and Past Weight History before Diagnosis. Results from the Danish Diabetes Care in General Practice (DCGP) Study

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Aims: The association between recent and more distant weight changes before and after the diagnosis of type 2 diabetes has been little researched. The aim of this study is to determine the influence of patients’ weight history before diabetes diagnosis on the observed 6-year weight changes after diagnosis.

Methods: A clinical cohort study combined with self-reported past weight history. In total 885 patients aged ≥40 years and newly diagnosed with clinical type 2 diabetes were included. Body weight was measured immediately after diabetes diagnosis and again at the 6-year follow up examination (median, 5.7 years). At diagnosis patients reported their weight 1 year and 10 years previously, and also at the age of 20. Multivariate linear regression analyses controlled for 20 baseline patient characteristics.

Results: The median (interquartile range) age at diagnosis was 63.2 (53.9; 71.4) years. Median body weight was 80.0 (72.0; 90.0) kg 10 years before diagnosis, 85.0 (75.0; 95.0) kg 1 year before diagnosis, 82.4 (72.0; 94.0) kg at diagnosis, and 80.0 (70.0; 91.1) kg at 6-year follow up. Each kg of weight gain during the year preceding the diagnosis was associated with a weight change (95% CI) of -0.20 (-0.28; -0.13) kg during the follow up period. In all models age and body mass index at diagnosis predicted future weight changes, while the weight at age 20 (-0.01 (-0.06; 0.03) kg/kg), and the weight change from 10 years to 1 year before diagnosis (-0.01 (-0.06; 0.04) kg/kg), did not predict weight change after diagnosis.

Conclusions: During the first on average 5.7 years after diagnosis of type 2 diabetes, patients generally follow a course of declining average weight, and these weight developments are related primarily to recent weight changes, body mass index, and age, but not to the more distant weight history.
Original languageEnglish
Article numbere0122219
JournalP L o S One
Issue number4
Pages (from-to)1-14
Number of pages14
Publication statusPublished - 15 Apr 2015

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