When Does Job Crafting Generalize To Home Crafting: A Diary Study On The Role Of Work

Evangelina Demerouti, Sara De Gieter, Verena Haun, Rebecca Hewett, Alma Rodriguez-Sanchez, Janne Skakon

    Research output: Contribution to conferenceConference abstract for conferenceResearchpeer-review


    Job crafting represents attempts to expand (seeking resources or challenges) or reduce (reducing demands) the scope of the job such that it fits better to one’s preferences. The spillover hypothesis suggests that individuals generalize behaviors at work also to the non-work domain. The goal of this study was to examine whether the use of daily job crafting strategies can be generalized to the non-work domain and whether daily work pressure represents a condition that strengthens this generalization. Employees should be particularly motivated to generalize job crafting strategies to the home domain when they work in a highly demanding job environment (thus when it is really needed).

    We collected diary data from service sector employees at the end of the working day and at bedtime during 5 consecutive workdays.

    Results of multilevel analysis partly supported our hypothesis as seeking challenges at work was positively related to seeking challenges and seeking resources at home, and negatively related to reducing demands at home. Moreover, daily seeking resources at work was related to higher daily seeking resources and challenges at home when daily work pressure is high than when it was low.

    The use of paper-and-pencil booklets prohibits testing participants’ compliance. Research/Practical Implications
    These findings imply that the more individuals increase the focus of their job (seeking challenges) the more they will do the same outside work particularly when they experience work pressure.

    The study adopts a new angle to test the spillover hypothesis by focusing on proactive job crafting behaviors.
    Original languageEnglish
    Publication date18 May 2017
    Publication statusPublished - 18 May 2017
    EventEAWOP 18th congress of the European Association of Work and Organizational Psychology: Enabling Change through Work and Organizational Psychology - University Center of Dublin, Dublin, Ireland
    Duration: 17 May 201720 May 2017


    ConferenceEAWOP 18th congress of the European Association of Work and Organizational Psychology
    LocationUniversity Center of Dublin
    Internet address


    • Faculty of Social Sciences
    • Spill over effect
    • Cross national study

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